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02 65803800Our Early Childhood program caters for 3-5 year olds in pre-schools, long day care centres, play groups and mothers groups.
Our "Marine Discovery" program aims to provide an exciting and interactive experience that allows the students to interact with local marine life, like sea stars, elephant snails and sea urchins, and to meet our fish and other sea creatures in our living aquaria. Students will also get a tour of our clownfish hatchery and aquaculture room.
The program runs for 1-1.5 hours and is a round robin activity with students moving throughout the Marine Discovery centre exploring all of our exhibits.
Our Early Childhood program caters for 3-5 year olds in pre-schools, long day care centres, play groups and mothers groups.
Our Primary school programs cater for children in Kindergarten through to Year 6.
Our group programs run for a variety of community groups and we cater for any age group from 4-104.